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Latest Headlines

Ind. insurance market delivers big profits to payers

There's something about the Indiana insurance market that leads to payers reaping big profits. For example, Indiana is the most profitable state for WellPoint, which is based in the state. But WellPoint isn't even the most profitable insurer in Indiana, reported the Indianapolis Business Journal.

When more insured patients are not enough

Many hospitals are finding themselves in the paradoxical position of cutting jobs while their percentage of insured patients increases, JC Online reports.

How 'Hoosier math' is damaging hospitals

One of the worst aspects of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act has been a stunning lack of available--and accurate-- information. The Obama Administration has been loathe to discuss the ACA for fear of hurting other parts of its agenda. And the states that refused to expand their Medicaid programs or operate their own insurance exchanges are getting far less federal funding for marketing and advertising campaigns than states whose governments support the ACA.Hospital operators are nervous, and rightly so.

ONC to pilot use of health IT in prescription drug monitoring

A new pair of ONC pilots will test the effects of expanding state programs designed to prevent abuse of prescription drugs. 

Indiana AG sues WellPoint over timing of breach notifications

Indiana Attorney General Gregory Zoeller has sued Indianapolis-based WellPoint seeking $300,000 in civil penalties, saying that the nation's largest private health insurer waited too long to notify

Regenstrief first to share public-health data via NHIN

Score another first for Indiana University's Regenstrief Institute. Thanks to the Indianapolis-based research organization, Indiana has become the first state in the nation to transmit electronic

HHS awards final Beacon Community grants

HHS officials today awarded $30 million in grants to organizations in the Detroit and Cincinnati areas by naming the final two pilot communities in the $250 million Beacon Community Program. HHS

VA to share health data with Indiana HIE

The Department of Veterans Affairs is expanding its efforts to share electronic clinical data with private healthcare organizations by partnering with members of the well-established Indiana Health

EMRs affect staffing in so many ways

It's long been known that EMRs change the way physicians practice, nurses document and orders get processed. A well-implemented EMR, with integrated billing, scheduling and charge capture, also has a

RFID comes of age

Healthcare organizations have been taking a good look at radio frequency identification for, I would guess, a good decade or more now. Until recently, most dismissed the RFID as being far too