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SPOTLIGHT: HHS Secretary criticized for use of CDC plane

Democrats are criticizing HHS secretary Mike Leavitt for using a private jet belonging to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to promote the new Medicare prescription drug benefit. Leavitt visited more than 90 cities to promote Medicare Part D over the last six months. The jet costs about $3,000 an hour to operate, according to critics. Leavitt says the trips involved legitimate public health related business, noting that in most cases he met with officials to discuss pandemic influenza in addition to the new benefit. Article

NCI chief steps down

National Cancer Institute head Dr. Andrew von Eschenbach is leaving his job at the agency to concentrate on his role at the FDA. Critics have argued that it was inappropriate for von Eschenbach to hold the top jobs at both agencies given the potential conflicts of interest involved. Dr. John Niederhuber moves into the top spot at NCI. Washington observers doubt that von Eschenbach will be formally confirmed in his FDA role any time soon since Democrats have vowed to place a hold on his …

SPOTLIGHT: Senior citizens protest at Leavitt's house

The deadline for what Democrats are calling the "senior tax" is coming at the end of the week. Amidst encouraging media reports that Part D is working better, some still aren't too happy about the forthcoming premium rise. A group of seniors descended on HHS Secretary Leavitt's house last week to protest. Reminds me of the Monty Python "gangs of vicious grannies" sketch a little. Lucky Leavitt himself wasn't there, but apparently his wife was "nervous." Article

Editor's Corner

There's been a significant push toward getting seniors to sign up for Medicare Part D in recent weeks, with President Bush stumping for the program. The reason is that after May 15, the price starts going up. Despite appeals from Democrats, and popular support for a delay running at 70 percent, it's unlikely that the deadline will be postponed. So far despite Administration claims …

California infrastructure bill leaves hospitals out

California hospitals will not get the major cash infusion they had been hoping for from the state to pay for infrastructure improvements. Democrats had sought to include money for hospital improvements in the $42 billion to $45 billion bond measure that state residents will vote on this summer. Hospitals had wanted money to pay for seismic retrofitting upgrades. Under an agreement between Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) and lawmakers, the provision has been dropped. California …

Poll: Americans skeptical of healthcare reform

A new Harris/ Wall Street Journal poll finds that the majority of Americans have little faith in the Bush administration's ability to reform the healthcare system. About three quarters of those polled say they aren't confident that the administration will be able to make major changes or slow rising healthcare costs. But Americans aren't that much more confident in the ability of either other Republicans (31 percent) or Democrats (45 percent) to make effective changes either, …

SPOTLIGHT: HHS orders antiviral drugs

  Bush administration orders antiviral drugs The Department of Health and Human Services has ordered 14 million doses of antiviral drugs to treat victims in the event of a pandemic flu. The agency said yesterday that it has placed orders for 12.4 million doses of Tamiflu and 1.75 million doses of Relenza. The purchase will add to the existing stockpile of 5.5 million doses. The announcement drew criticism from Democrats in Washington, who say the government isn't acting quickly enough.  Article

Editor's Corner

Although there's been lots of political spin about the President's State of the Union address, the big surprise was that it didn't feature much on healthcare. There may be legislation introduced on malpractice, association health plans and possibly expanding the tax-deductibility of consumer health spending. But given the political capital being made of Part D's problematic …

House to vote on entitlement cuts

Today, the House is expected to vote on a controversial budget bill that would reduce government funding for Medicaid and Medicare. The cuts would scale back spending on Medicaid by 0.4 percent and Medicare by 0.3 percent over the next five years. Conservatives argue the cuts are necessary to put a halt to out-of-control spending. Democrats respond that the changes will hurt those least able to make the sacrifice. This will be the second time the legislation has come up before the House. …

Medicare Part D, healthcare play out in an election year

It will escape no one's attention that 2006 is an election year. Many hopeful Democrats are looking at the rough 2005 "enjoyed" by the Bush administration and have decided that 2006 is shaping up to be the reverse of 1994 all over again. While it's hard to imagine the news for Republicans staying as bad as it's been, there are at least three areas where healthcare will play into politics this year. The most obvious is the roll out of Medicare Part D's drug coverage, about which there has …