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AMERIGROUP's James Carlson- CEO Compensation

James Carlson- AMERIGROUP Total Compensation: $5,292,546 Details: Despite a lawsuit regarding Medicaid fraud that cost the Illinois plan $225 million, Carlson himself earned roughly $2 million more

Amerigroup's $225M fine may not benefit providers

Last week, Medicaid health plan Amerigroup agreed to pay $225 million to settle charges that it

Amerigroup settles Medicaid charges

Health plan Amerigroup Corp. has settled charges that it avoided enrolling pregnant women and sick members for a hefty $225 million. The health plan had allegedly excluded those groups when running a

Amerigroup to pay $225M in Medicaid fraud settlement

Amerigroup, the Illinois health plan that refused to enroll high-risk patients in its Medicaid plan, announced that it will pay $225 million to the state of Illinois and the U.S. government to settle

Amerigroup may settle Medicaid fraud charges soon

An Illinois health plan which refused to enroll high-risk patients in its Medicaid plan may soon be settling a lawsuit brought by state and federal authorities, for a whopping $334 million.