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iPharmacy app puts personal, medical info at risk

The iPharmacy Drug Guide & Pill ID app, an Android app that has earned a top developer award from Google Play is also "one of the top offenders when it comes to risky privacy behaviors for...

ONC's Joy Pritts on breach prevention: Encryption is key

Encryption is the single most essential technology to use for breach prevention, according to Joy Pritts, chief privacy officer at the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT.

3 tips for proactively protecting PHI

Jared Rhoads, senior research specialist with the Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) Global Institute for Emerging Healthcare Practices, recently spoke to Healthcare Informatics about emerging technologies to protect personal health information (PHI).

NIST orders review of its encryption standards development processes

After reports based on documents leaked by Edward Snowden raised questions about existing encryption standards, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has launched a formal review...

Privacy experts: Be proactive about data breach security

When it comes to combating health information breaches, the best defense is a good offense, according to a recent post in  InformationWeek Healthcare.

M.D. Anderson suffers second data breach this year

For the second time this year, the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center suffered a patient data breach when a medical student lost an unencrypted portable hard drive.

Lax mobile device security policies worry health IT managers

Inadequate security policies for mobile devices are a major concern of IT professionals, according to a CDW " straw poll " of IT managers in healthcare, financial services, higher education, and other

Meaningful Use impact on data encryption could be positive

I recently had a conversation with a computer security consultant who has worked in both banking and healthcare. He rated data security as very poor in most healthcare organizations, and said that

Blue Cross spends $18.5M on HIPAA violation

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee has the dubious distinction of becoming the first health insurer to receive a fine--a hefty $1.5 million--for violating the Health Insurance Privacy and

Professionalism of your hospital's info security staff vital to data protection

Hospital IT departments need to increase the professionalism of staff assigned to data security, said Ali Pabrai, a Newport Beach, Calif., health IT consultant, in an article published in a patient