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Only 5 states receive passing grade on price transparency

Only five states provide consumers with enough healthcare pricing information to make informed decisions, according to the third annual report from the Health Care Incentives Improvement Institute and Catalyst for Payment Reform.

As Medicaid expands dental coverage, few dentists accept patients

Although five Medicaid programs--California, Colorado, Illinois, South Carolina and Washington--started offering dental coverage to their members last year, most consumers still struggle to find dentists willing to treat them because of Medicaid's typically low provider reimbursements.

Bill to expand telemedicine in Colorado reaches House floor

A bill that could preclude health insurance plans from requiring in-person care in certain cases could boost the use of telemedicine in Colorado.

Are low exchange premiums sustainable?

Insurers are still trying to get a handle on how to price premiums in the health insurance exchanges so they can afford to cover new enrollees and make money. The pricing conundrum is particularly clear in Colorado.

Troubled state insurance exchanges face lawmakers' scrutiny

While the second year of open enrollment on state health insurance exchanges has gone smoothly, three states exchange continue to face questions about their long-term viability.

Colorado illustrates the ups and downs of the ACA

Colorado is a good example of how the Affordable Care Act is working despite obstacles.

Exchange enrollment: Tips from state marketplaces

As state officials work to improve the process for next year's open enrollment period, Connect for Health Chief Operating Officer Lindy Hinman highlighted some of the state-based exchange's best practices for enrolling consumers, USA Today reported.

Colorado exchange draws competition while 2 states ask HHS for help

Colorado's state-run health insurance exchange has drawn the attention of 11 insurers seeking to sell about 250 health plans to individuals and small groups

EHR support making headway in rural Colorado

Rural healthcare organizations in Colorado are getting help in obtaining the necessary broadband connectivity to support EHR use via a collaborative partnership between the state's HIE and and the Colorado Telehealth Network.

State mulls raising Medicaid copays to save funds

Colorado is considering co-payments for its Medicaid enrollees, one of several options it is weighing as it grapples with increasing costs to treat that population, reported the Denver Post. Among