Cigna CEO David Cordani: Reform law must evolve to become sustainable


Cigna CEO David Cordani hopes the healthcare reform law will continue to evolve over time to become more sustainable at lowering costs and improving quality. "Long before the healthcare law was signed, we believed as a company that healthcare needed to evolve and reform, and we were very active in Washington in a nonpartisan way," Cordani told the Dallas Business Journal. "Once the law was passed, we've been very clear that the law needed to be evolved to be sustainable. The law expanded access to insurance, but to make it sustainable, we need expanded access to and improvements in clinical quality and improvements in affordability." One key to improving the healthcare problems is eliminating the fee-for-service system. "The change that's being discussed, and we believe has a lot of opportunity is, paying for value versus paying for volume," he said. "That could happen through bundled payment, shared risk payment and rewards that are based on clinical transparency." Article