
Special Investigations Units

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BCBS Louisiana's Darrell Langlois: The ins and outs of anti-fraud training

Helping stakeholders recognize and report potential fraud, waste and abuse is crucial to the success of payer anti-fraud efforts. But there's no one-size-fits-all training program to do this job, and building fraud awareness is ongoing work. FierceHealthPayer: AntiFraud spoke to Darrell S. Langlois, vice president of compliance, privacy and fraud at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana, about anti-fraud training offerings that engage stakeholders and contribute to the success of special investigations units.   

Success secrets of small, dynamic SIUs

How do special investigations units meet high performance expectations for fighting fraud despite low head counts and operating budgets? FierceHealthPayer:Anti-Fraud interviewed two experts to find out.

Storytelling draws stakeholders to the fraud fighting flame

Sharing stories about fraud schemes, criminal prosecutions or recovered money can contribute to a special investigations unit's visibility and success.

Jack Price on building a top-notch SIU

FierceHealthPayer: AntiFraud recently spoke to Jack Price (pictured) about how payers can create high-performance special investigations units (SIUs) to control fraud, waste and abuse. A former law enforcement officer, Price is a consultant with more than 20 years of experience developing, managing and leading SIUs in the life and health insurance industries.

How to work effectively with law enforcement to fight fraud

FierceHealthPayer: Anti-Fraud recently interviewed two field experts to get their best advice on how payers can improve relationships with law enforcement to serve the mutual interests of both.