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Hospitals in LA, TX suffer from failure to expand Medicaid

Hospitals in Texas and Louisiana--two states that failed to expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act--struggle with the continued fallout from that decision.

Texas struggles with citizenship glitches in ACA healthcare marketplace

Health advocates in Texas are helping the state's minority population overcome language barriers, technical issues and low awareness of who is eligible to obtain health coverage under the Affordable Care Act.

Feds ding 3 states for Medicaid performance deficiencies

In a trio of recent audit reports, the Office of Inspector General announced enforcement actions against Medicaid agencies in Texas, Nebraska and Kansas for different operational slip-ups.   

Cost of adult vaccinations prohibiting some docs

Slim profits and even financial losses have caused many physician practices to curb their offerings for adult vaccines. And according to a new article from the  New York Times, pediatricians in small and solo practices are increasingly facing the same dilemma.

Many hospitals will face steep hospital-acquired infection penalties

Hospitals in many states will face significant penalties for not  preventing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs), according to multiple media sources.

TX physicians create cash-only practices for uninsured

In Texas, which has millions of uninsured residents, doctors and patients increasingly rely on a cash-based finance model--a system that appears to work for both parties, according to the  Texas Tribune.

What states matter most to exchange enrollment, Medicaid expansion?

Ten states are crucial to the Obama administration's ability to enroll 6 million people in health insurance exchanges by the end of the month.

Hospitals in Texas explore more equitable distribution of Medicaid funds

Hospitals in Texas, hurting from the state's decision not to pursue additional Medicaid funds, are now exploring how to distribute current funds more equitably.

Neighboring states battle Medicaid fraud

The war against Medicaid fraud continues but prosecutors in several states are experiencing mixed success. New Mexico has had some initial successes clamping down on mental health providers, but so far regulators in neighboring Texas are stymied in their efforts to collect alleged overpayments.

60 rural Texas hospitals may close if government reconsiders critical access funding

If the Department of Health and Human Services follows a recent recommendation to reconsider funding for the critical access hospital program, dozens of hospitals in the Lone Star State could wind up shutting down.