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Price transparency should start with insurers

Insurers, providers and some of their lobbying groups have issued new recommendations that give payers a leading role in advancing price transparency in healthcare.

Current ACA challenge: Understanding contracts

Only months into Affordable Care Act implementation, one of the biggest remaining challenges for physician practices is understanding contracts with new health exchange plans, noted consultant Mary Pat Whaley in a recent  Manage   My Practice  blog post.

Transition from medical to pharmacy benefit to save big

The cost of specialty medications is expected to rise to $235 billion by 2018, providing many cost-related challenges to payers. To off-set these costs, health insurers can move prescription benefits from medical to pharmacy coverage, according to a new Milliman report commissioned by CVS Caremark.

'Traditional' practice gets more diverse

Facing more competition from retail and urgent care centers than ever, doctors increasingly offer more diverse services not typically found in the traditional private practice, from cosmetic procedures to urgent care, according to an article from the  News-Star.

Physician burnout reaches fever pitch

Rampant professional burnout drives more doctors to sell their practices, slash their patient panels or retire early, according to an article from the  Washington Post. The problem is particularly acute in primary care, where physicians manage patients' comprehensive needs, yet get as little as 11 minutes to spend with each of them.

Docs who drop insurance take on big business risks

Like many physicians who switched to cash practice, brothers Jonathan Izbicki, D.O. and Harry Izbicki, D.O., experience a rosy view of life without insurance hassles,  U.S. News & World Report  reported.

Qualified consumers receive $10B in premium subsidies

Consumers have qualified for nearly $10 billion in subsidies to help them purchase private health insurance through the Affordable Care Act, finds a new study from the Kaiser Family Foundation.

AMA advises docs on how to address 'grace period' with patients

Physician survival of the "grace period" attached to government-subsidized health plans will depend on a clear and timely chain of communication--from health plan to provider to patient. The American Medical Association offers guidance to help physicians work with patients to understand their financial responsibilities to insurers and health providers.

Employment or solo practice: Which is right for you?

There are pros and cons to every practice model. A recent  Medscape  survey of 4,600 doctors--including many with experience in both environments--compared how physicians feel about employment versus working for themselves.

Updated SGR repeal plans draw political controversy

Legislation that would permanently repeal Medicare's Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) may be in jeopardy after Republicans inserted language that would delay the Affordable Care Act's mandate requiring that all individuals obtain health insurance,  NPR  reported.