
price transparency

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Michigan Blues: Private exchange boosts price transparency

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan launched a private health insurance exchange three years ago that has since helped employers control coverage costs and enable consumers to be more aware of how much their healthcare actually costs, reported  MiBiz.

Rhode Island launches all-payer claims database

Rhode Island recently launched its All-Payer Claims Database (RI-APCD) which will provide data about hospital costs with the intent to achieve higher quality of care at a lower cost.

How price transparency may complicate medical decision-making

Despite the benefits of increasing healthcare price transpa rency  for patients, putting cost information in front of  clinicians may introduce ethical challenges in ensuring patients get appropriate care, according to a po st  from  Forbes.

Price transparency leads to lower claims costs, research finds

When consumers have access to pricing information before they obtain medical services, insurers' claims payments are lower, according to new research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Will high deductibles cost insurers more money?

The rise in plans sold on health insurance exchanges with high deductibles brings a new concern--consumers who postpone needed care because of the cost. Those decisions could mean the high-deductible health plans backfire on insurers and could lead to even more medical use and greater expenses in the future,  The New York Times  reported.

Massachusetts is driving consumer-oriented focus in industry

As Massachusetts became the first state earlier this month to require insurers provide real-time prices for all covered medical services, it's leading the trend toward a more consumer-oriented healthcare insurance industry.

UnitedHealth's price transparency tools help consumers choose high-quality docs

When consumers used UnitedHealth's price transparency tools, they were able to comparison shop for lower costs and search for high-quality providers, according to a new study of the insurer's myHealthcare Cost Estimator (myHCE). 

UnitedHealth puts robust price transparency tools in consumers' hands

As health insurers continue their quest of achieving consumer engagement, many believe that offering price transparency tools is a key factor in achieving that goal. And UnitedHealth is taking those tools one step further by providing very specific cost estimates to their members. That means UnitedHealth members can get an extremely accurate price for total service cost, out-of-pocket expenses, co-payments and any outstanding deductibles. To learn more about how UnitedHealth is leading the charge on price transparency,  FierceHealthPayer  spoke with Victoria "Tory" Bogatyrenko, UnitedHealth's national vice president for product, innovation and marketing.

Price transparency: a win-win for insurers and consumers

Price transparency is more than just an exercise in being up-front--it's imperative to improve the bottom line for any health insurer, says a new report from Families USA.

Engage consumers to improve price transparency

Because payers and providers typically negotiate prices for healthcare services, the cost of certain procedures vary greatly, with no apparent difference in quality. Maybe it's time to bring consumers into the mix, according to a recent  report from  Health Affairs.