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How Premera Blue Cross broke into the Medicare Advantage market [Q&A]

Senior markets exec Tracy Bos explains how marketing and plan design helped attract 25K members in two years

We were also able to increase our provider network. We have a long and rich partnership with several key providers in our state and those came fully to fruition for us when it was time for annual selection this year.

And we had a pretty solid retention across our plans between the first year and second year. We certainly did have some turnover; we made some pricing adjustments, so we saw a little bit of churn. But it was in line with our expectations.

FHP: What lessons have you learned so far?

Bos: Our campaign and products in the market have been well received, but there are always opportunities to do things better or differently. And we're constantly testing our marketing approach to ensure that we're as effective as we can be with the dollars that we spend.

So we did make some changes after our first year entry into the plan and last year's launch period. They were nuances in terms of determining what pieces resonate with each audience, targeting more specifically, evaluating copy, refining the marketing tools in our toolkit and refining our digital media investments.

FHP: What's next for Premera's Medicare Advantage market?

Bos: Premera is committed to this fast-growing market. Our plan is to continue to grow and provide great coverage and benefits to these members and increase our market share. We're evaluating and looking at where we can do things better. It's being member-focused and keeping that in the front of minds as we do any planning with this portfolio. Making sure that what we're bringing to the market meets these members' needs.

For this coming year, we're looking at leveraging content marketing that's based on our own content and delivering that to our seniors in a way that resonates for them. We're rolling out our own blog that doesn't just address our plan design or benefits, but focused on lifestyle, to give seniors information that resonates with them based on where they are in their lives.

[Editor's Note: This interview has been edited and condensed for length and clarity.]